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Calendula - An Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Viral Herb that Heals

calendula officinalis

This cheery bright yellow to deep orange flower that keeps popping up in many a veggie gardener's backyard like a trusty old friend, not only benefits soil and repels pests, or is an excellent go-to cream for wound healing and soothing all skin irritations but it has a host of other amazing healing powers!

Calendula helps cleanse the system by eliminating toxins and waste matter.


  • Packed with ANTI-OXIDANTS

  • ANTI-INFLAMMATORY therefore…..

  • Great for SKIN problems such as eczema, and skin repair e.g. burns

  • Great for GASTRIC-intestinal problems &

  • Supports the LIVER

  • Very effective for treating VIRUS infections

  • ANTISEPTIC, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal


1. EDIBLE flowers - Add a bit of spice and bitterness on the palate by scattering petals over salads or veggie dishes. A beautifully bright addition to any dish.

2. TEA - harvested from a backyard or bought online. See the ‘How To’ below.

3. Apply CALENDULA ESSENTIAL OIL in a carrier oil like coconut and apply to the face for nourishment or area of skin irritation.

How To Make Calendula TEA:

1. Bring one cup of water to a boil.

2. Add 1 tablespoon of dried petals or 2 tablespoons of fresh petals to a tea ball and steep for 10-12 minutes.

Add liquorice root if you have some, for extra benefits..

# NOT advisable for pregnant women because of its promotion of menstruation.

HOW TO DRY FLOWERS without a dehydrator:

Pick the flowers when it's warm and dew has evaporated.

Spread the flowers out on a tea towel or paper to allow to fully dry, without washing them, before storing them in a glass jar or paper envelope out of direct sunlight.

Pull petals away from bud as you need them.