Dry Brushing

The technique consists of gently, brushing the skin in the direction of the lymph flow, toward the heart.

The strokes should be medium pressure—you want to feel something happening without irritating the skin. Long strokes are the best since you are trying to push up lymph fluid, and that requires a delicate and rhythmic touch. You'll also want to do each pass more than once and overlap sections while brushing.  Along bends (like your joints) or smaller areas, you will switch to shorter, quicker movements. 

Brush towards the heart. Making long sweeps, avoid back and forth, scrubbing and circular motions. Start at your feet, moving up the legs on both sides, then work from the arms toward your chest. On your stomach, direct the brush counterclockwise.

 Don’t brush too hard - light touch is all you need to effect the lymphatic system. Skin should be stimulated and invigorated, but not irritated or red.

map of direction for dry brushing