– Abhyanga Massage–
Ayurvedic full body massage with Marma pressure points
60 minutes $115
90 minutes $150
Ayurvedic Massage for Pregnancy & Post-partum - see here
Massage packages
Abhyanga + Shirodhara: 2 hrs 15 min $260*
To find out about Shirodhara treatment for the mind
read here
5x 60 min massages $439
5x 90 min massages $639 Gift vouchers available.
Abhyanga (pronounced ‘abi-yunga’) is a Sanskrit term for oil massage that uses warm herbal oils chosen to balance and rejuvenate the body and mind. The technique involves a series of light, vigorous, deeper and slower rhythmic strokes that help to stimulate the more lymphatic channel to eliminate toxins, stimulate blood flow to restore the flow of oxygen and energy (prana) whilst deeply relaxing your whole nervous system.treatment using specific techniques to
ensure your body has the ability to heal itself as well as rejuvenate and establish resistance to all
types of stress.
Why an ayurvedic massage?
There are many benefits:
Moisturises and lubricates deeply into the tissues, including muscles, nerves and joints clearing congestion to ease stiffness and pain
The initial light pressured strokes energise and encourage the natural circulation of superficial lymph fluid throughout the body. The lymphatic system lacks its own pump and if not flowing properly, sluggish lymph leads to many more serious conditions.
Helps flush out toxins and impurities from the body through the lymphatic and digestive systems
Stimulates blood and oxygen circulation, thus energising all the body systems through at the cellular level
Relieves stress - the technique and specific herbs in the Vata massage oil have been selected to help calm, nourish and regulate the nervous system
Supports the movement and release of stagnant emotions and trauma deeply stored in the cells and energy body to treat PTSD
Improves the body’s stamina to increase endurance and resilience to manage daily stressors more effectively
Improves skin health
Promotes deeper sleep
Slows the process of aging
Grounding and stabilising; balancing to Vata and Pitta doshas
Invigorating with pungent herbal massage oil for activating kapha dosha
Abhyanga massage should be avoided:
In the presence of fever
During one’s menstrual cycle; however a gentle abhyanga massage is ok as the body is already cleansing and in a lower energy state. Please advise.
Over infected and broken skin
“The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries, or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age.”
– Charaka Samhita Vol. 1, V: 88-89.